Thursday 9 February 2012


This morning I felt very fed up with myself as I've caught Hayley's stomach bug and have no energy.
So I decided to watch a video that we'd come across when installing our new TV unit, entitled 'Agility' in big blue permanent marker on a recordable video tape (whatever happended to them eh?)
So not really knowing what to expect I sat back on the sofa and waited for the snow storm to pass as the video recorder tried to make some sense of what it was supposed to do after so long in retirement.
Tipsy Watford Agility Show 2008Well what a tonic! I haven't laughed and cried so much for ages. What appeared was recordings from an agility show at Peterborough Showground of me and Tips and all our Club members at the time. What a blast from the past!
Buddy was trying to join in, Skye thought I was upset cos I had tears rolling down my face and kept trying to comfort me and all the time I kept thinking "Oh my God, such bad handling!" No wonder poor Tips and I didnt' get a clear round for 3 years. To top if off was at the end, My Hubby, Jon, offered to enter a show with Tips just after I'd had Sally-Anne, (so we're talking nearly 13 years ago). It didn't go well especially as he was drawn first to go in the first run lol!

So after that day he never once criticised me and my handling skills. He realised that Tips was not easy to run as she'd welcome any distraction on offer. I will attempt to record some of them and put them on here so you can all have a laugh.

I don't really know why I'm doing this but here are two that I videoed from the TV via my mobile. Not very technical I know but until my technician gets home it'll have to do. Enjoy!

Tipsy is no longer with us, she died in 2009 aged 14 and a half. Its good that she can still reduce me to tears at her memory. Read all about her at

Bye for now.


1 comment:

  1. She looks like so much fun! No wonder you turned into an agility addict!
