Thursday 16 February 2012

Yesterday we spent the day with Tessie, Bordertrix Wild Waves, and her family who live in a little village near Northampton.

Photo is Sunnie with daughter Tessie August 2009
Tessie was very excited about Buddy visiting and they played chase in the garden for ages (and flirted a bit) while we had lunch on the patio. Skye was more interested in next door's cat who kept making an appearance through the fence (silly moggy).
The sun was shining and so we set off into the countryside, two adults, 4 kids and 3 dogs.
Talk about end up in the middle of nowhere. We followed a track for a few miles and eventually ended up in a little Village some miles to the south and not to the east as we'd planned. We had to ask a Thatcher (yes, it was a posh village lol) where we were. He told us there was a pub just a mile down the road. With added vigour, we marched on only to find it was shut until 6.00pm (this was 4.53pm precisely). We did consider going to my Hubby's place of work in nearby Olney and begging a lift but I felt he might be less than enthusiastic as we were all plastered in mud. So, Tessie's Owner phoned her neighbour who came and picked us up in his very clean 4 x 4!
At some point during our walk it appears that we agreed that Tessie should have a litter of puppies and at her next season so she will be coming back to us for a couple of months. As soon as the details are confirmed I will announce it on my website but first we have to get Tessie health tested, so watch this space!
She reminds me of Sunnie with big smile on her face and half closed, adoring eyes when you fuss her.

Hayley is busy training Buddy for his Crufts debut on March 10th and getting him to concentrate on her instead of everything else that's going on. We're hoping his effortless movement will get him his place - well if he can also grow his coat back in time lol. 

His sister Sky, who was exported to Slovenia, is having her first litter at some point during the summer. She is being mated to a blue merle, so the puppies should be interesting. See their website at The propective 'Daddy' is the merle on the front page - beautiful!

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