Saturday 10 March 2012

Here's The Boy, what a lovely smile he has!
Well Crufts Day arrived, Saturday 10th March 2012. Did we expect to win - absolutely not, but OMG what an experience. I am soooooooooooo proud of Hayley for training Buddy so he wouldn't fly his tail when he moved and for coping with handling him (cos he can be a bit naughty) but look at these photos, I couldn't have asked anymore of either of them, he showed his little socks off. I know I'm biased but there was little competition in the ring to beat him on movement, he flowed round just like a border collie should.  

Look at them go, sooooooooooo proud of you Guys xxx
Here we go in Undergraduate Dog, 16 entries and a little incident where Buddy didn't want the Judge to look at his teeth. Poor Hayley got her finger caught in his collar chain and was in agony for most of the Class but carried on like the trooper she is.

Practice Practice Practice

He still looks raring to go, standing still is not really his favourite pastime. He'd lost most of his coat over the previous weeks and this was the best we could do with what was left........ I still think he's beautiful. (He does actually have a tail, its just hiding between his legs).
We had lots of attention, most of the general public not knowing that border collies come in blue and white. He loved the attention and behaved impeccably when people of all ages came to meet him. Lots of photos were taken of him too by admirers.

So here we go again, Mid Limit Dog Class with 20 entries, pictured with the Judge. Look at him, striding out, covering the ground, perfect for working all day long. Nobody around us realised he was my dog and its fascinating listening to the ringside banter. I was happy to hear that my Boy was the public's favourite, with comments like; he was a proper dog with a fantastic head, what a lovely expression, he's the one I'd take home, I bet he's the only one there who could do agility. I couldn't help but turn round and grin and found myself looking at an agility team who'd competed earlier in the day. Imagine everyone's surprise when Hayley turned round and asked me for the comb! 

Perhaps in my next blog I might voice my opinion on what is happening to this breed I love so very much. Well I can sleep easy in my bed knowing all Bordertrix Dogs are fit, healthy, versatile, trainable and absolutely lovable :-))

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