Sunday 29 January 2012

Well Buddy had his birthday, he got spoilt and expected it again on Saturday so sulked for a while lol. We went up the field to do some training and for a class with an excitable Staffy, called Daisy. She's a lovely dog but needs her boisterousness channelling into something positive, so her owner thought she might like agility.
She had great fun chasing her raggy over the obstacles, completely fearless, she ran over the dog walk on her own while I was chatting to her owner. She also took advantage and covered me in kisses while I eased the seasaw down for her, she is soooooo cheeky!
I have given her owner some homework to try and encourage Daisy to focus on her more. We'll see how much she improves over the week. 
After they left I had a little training session with Skye and Buddy. We noticed at the Winter League last week, that Buddy had knocked some poles down - which is very unusual, so I put them on the highest level while we did a few direction commands. He didn't knock any down so I think, again, it was that he was just in looney mode. 
I ran Skye over a small course, she got all her contacts first time and did everything I asked of her, including a really nasty weave entry. I also pushed her more by being ahead of her as she came over a jump and entered the weaves while I continued to run ahead. She did it first time and every time - what a star she is!!
Buddy is not quite ready for that yet and as I'm still building his confidence in the weaves I made sure I was behind or with him. He enters beautifully but will not stay in if I run by. We will be working hard on this over the next few weeks.

Here is a video taken in March 2011 of Buddy training, handled by Hayley. I love the way you can see him coming through the weaves. It all goes a little wrong afterwards but we always have great fun training with him.

Training went well today again. We are working on building the dogs' confidence to go ahead and all the dogs are enjoying it, handlers too I'm pleased to report. We also did some ringcraft training with a border collie, called Poppy, who's mother has just been made a show champion. Buddy wooed her and we let them have a play together after some fun agility training too. She's going to be a real beauty when she matures - Buddy thinks so now lol.
Puppy class is going well, we had a new recruit in Cally the cocker spaniel. She's so pretty but very mischievous so fitted in well with Pepper (a yorkie x jrt) and Ruby (border terrier).
Well Skye and Bud are exhausted after their long day, its peaceful in camp Gilbert tonight lol.

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