Thursday 26 January 2012

Yesterday was so busy I didn't have time to put anything on here so quick catch up.

Skye seems herself again, thank goodness, but then we did go to see her most favourite person in the world, Grandad. She is back to normal now and Hayley, having to only work 3 days a week on her work experience, has decided she is going to take Skye jogging to get her super fit.
Buddy was crying his little heart out when they left but I think it is good for him to have some time on his own as he never has really since he was born. I took him out, just the two of us, and guess what? We ran into Hayley and Skye! I know Raunds isn't that big but come on!!
Anyway, Hayley decided to come along with us and we all had fun, chatting and chasing in the field.

Buddy did an awesome recall when he spotted a man through the hedge and thought he might go and investigate his intentions. He came back instantly, I was very impressed (although I think the markie I was waving might have had something to do with his keeness to come back lol)!

I have been researching some strategies to try and get Buddy to listen to me during agility shows, instead of getting so overexcited he's deaf to my instructions. I guess I'm a victim of my own success as from the start I've trained him to go ahead of me and enforced commands at a distance. Well now I realise that's all well and good but he has to learn to keep his head. Its not that he isn't focused on me, just that he's like a coiled spring with an adrenaline rush.
You would think with him being my fourth dog that I'd have learnt to get it right by now. Trouble is, all dogs have their own persona and respond differently. Just when you think you've conquered one issue, another crops its head. I think I might have found something to try and will have a go tomorrow at the field.

Tomorrow Buddy is going to be 2 years old but I'm hoping no one will tell him so he have a surprise party lol!

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